Are there areas of your organisation’s operations that you feel you might require expert help and advice relating to service provisions to deaf people? Do you want to discuss some ideas that you are not sure whether they are realistic to the deaf community? Do you...
BSL Video Production
Deafinitequality has a team of deaf and hearing professionals who have a range of experience in producing high quality British Sign Language translations for company promotions, websites and other media platforms. We have an understanding of how British Sign Language...
Sports Coaching
The role of the coach has become increasingly important in today’s sport. The quality of sports development programmes and the enjoyment, safety and performance of participants are directly linked to the quality of the coach. DeafinitEquality Sport is therefore...
Sports Consultancy
Deafinitequality Sports Consultancy is solely focused on assisting organisations pinpoint areas that they could develop their weaknesses with regards to the deaf community. For the Deaf Community, DeafinitEquality Sports Consultancy will assist you identify...
Keynote Speaker
What is it like to be deaf? How have services for deaf people changed over the years? What are the current areas where access improvements can be made for deaf people? What are the hurdles that prevent deaf people from getting involved in sports? How can deaf people...
Logo Design
A logo is the tangible identity of a company in the market. Logos can be emblems, signs, or symbols designed to portray the image of a company. The world of business is hugely competitive and is comprised of thousands of logos. Out of those thousands, only a few...
Website Design
Website design incorporates not only what you can see but also many features that are invisible. These elements are responsible for the performance, effectiveness and profile of every website. Numerous websites fare poorly because little care or attention has been...